Today seems like an appropriate day to start my first blog. It's my grandfather's birthday (happy birthday, grandpa). He passed away four years ago next month. I couldn't find any pix of him so his boat will have to do, his pride and joy. I miss my grandparents a lot. They were always two solid unbreakable rocks in the family, and what kept the family together. But I suppose the matriarchs and patriarchs in most families serve that purpose. I was mostly unproductive day yesterday, at least much more than I wanted to be. I did get to see a friend I haven't seen in years for about half an hour, so that was nice, and walked two times around the golf course. I also had physical therapy before that, which felt wonderful for the most part. My therapist can get a little rough sometimes. I keep reminding him that my body parts are attached, but he's still amazing. My mother is bent on getting TWO kittens now (it was one 2 days ago). I know at some point the roles of parents and children often reverse, but I'm 26 for god sakes and shouldn't have to tell her that we can't get any more damn cats, no matter how cute they are. We already have five. I confess that four are mine and the other is my aunt's that she left here when she visited some years ago, and I can understand (sorta) why she would want her own cats even tho 3 of my cats have lived with her longer than they lived with me. They all need check-ups and right now I can't contribute financially. I feel guilty about that. I can't give any of them up tho. There are already too many homeless pets out there. But it still stands the last thing(s) we need are more cats! We're three people living in a house and not one has a job. My dad threatens to leave every now and then (my parents aren't really together but kinda are. that's a whole other blog), but I know he never will. I wish I ran as far and as fast from here as I could like the rest of my mother's family did, so I didn't get left behind cleaning up the mess that will eventually fall on me, but I have somewhat cleared a path before me that nothing will deviate me from.
did you really think I would go to bed w/o reading the beginning? If I ever take the smile from your face, cast a shadow in your light or cut you off in a sentence, again... I'm sorry & let me know. ;)