Thursday, January 15, 2015

Time After Time

     Time travel. Something humans have dreamed about and tried to accomplish for centuries (I think). Everyone has a different idea of what they want to do if they could travel back in time. Meet pivotal people from our past. Change something from the past. Maybe prevent an assassination, or commit one. Be there for the writing of the Constitution. Change something in the Constitution. If I could change something, I would try to prevent the invention of firearms. The Japanese discovered gun powder (or was it the Chinese?). That would obviously lead to guns. If I could show them in a vision of what guns would do, maybe they would ditch the whole idea. Maybe it's inevitable. What would changing one thing mean? People have said it would have a ripple effect; even jus the smallest thing. If guns were never invented, that would be something huge. Would something worse than firearms be invented? Or would we just have bombs? Something we don't have now? It's hard to imagine something else. Imagine what the world would be like with no guns. Ever. What a thought. Imagine. Best song ever.

    Or go into the future. Why would a person want to go into the future? To just see what happens in the world? In his or her life? To see the effect of what happens today has on the future? To check out the cool toys? I guess I'm not anxious to see the future.

    If I could meet one person from the past, it would probably be Janis Joplin. I know, why meet Janis Joplin when I could meet Lincoln, or Washington, or da Vinci? She seems like someone who would be really awesome to meet. Someone real. Someone to connect with. Plus she's a kick-ass singer. Would I prevent her death? I don't know. I think she would be a legend no matter when she died. There's something about musicians and 27. What would she be like if she lived? Would she still be out there belting it out, or become a hermit and never come out of her apartment like Mae West? She'd turn 72 in 4 days. Her age inverted.

     Or would a person change something in their personal life? There are so many things I would change, that I just want to start from the age of about 5, and tell myself the right decision to make. Yes, even at 5. To do or not do something. I think I would be in a very different place, a better place. But I can't change the past, now can I? I can only move forward, change my future. If one dwells too much on what could have been, then you lose sight of what can be. This is what I think I no.

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." -Albert Einstein

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