Friday, January 8, 2010


I think I'm going to explode. That picture of the mushroom cloud is me. My mother is infuriating. I think she and dad will leave to see Gramma as soon as I get home, but not so. Dad hooked up a 7" portable tv that Carmen got for "us" for Christmas and she was watching some infomercial, looking up more things to buy on the computer, and ads were spread all over. I was sitting watching Golden Girls, waiting for them to leave so I can watch old shows of Rachel and Keith, and she wants to watch QVC for Elvis crap because it's his birthday. I can't watch Rachel and Keith when they're here, because I get a bunch of whining like little spoiled children, "I don't want to watch old news! I want to watch Cold Case. I want to watch current news." I explained to them again and again that I like to watch the old news because then I know how we got to where we are. I could watch the new news, but have no idea how we got there or what's really going on. I also told them there wouldn't be so many old episodes if they would just let me watch the old ones so I can get caught up. Carmen is always watching tv, except when she's sleeping, so it's not like I get a lot of time to watch what I want; especially with school and homework. I told her she has enough crap as it is. We need an oven that works, but she buys an electric fireplace to make the living room "cozy." We need a dishwasher, but she buys a 7" tv that aint worth shit. Not that the tv cost nearly as much as a dishwasher, but that money could've, should've, gone towards a dishwasher! I told her I didn't want her to get me an iPhone because I want that money to go towards an iBook, but instead she gets me this large external hardrive that needs a cord to hook it up so I can back up my stuff on my computer when I get it. That'll be really convenient when I'm at school or a cafe. I sound like I'm on my high horse, but I want something practical and that's also essential, and good quality that hopefully I can use until I'm 35. I told her I rather she send it back and use the money for the computer, but she decides she wants to keep it for herself because she wants to do photography on the computer. Thanks for the Christmas present, mom. She also got me a shirt I don't like and a sweater that's way too big that I really do like, but I don't believe she's sent it back to LL Bean yet, and dad got me pajamas that are way too big. I know I'm fat, but come on guys. She said there's another present for me, but apparently dad hasn't wrapped it yet so they haven't given it to me. There is so much crap in this house you can barely walk through it, but she sits around all day watching QVC and Law & Order and does "paperwork." Honestly, how much time does it take to do paperwork, because I find it pretty fucking hard to believe that it takes all day every day, except when she has to run errands. She wishes I was a better daughter, but I wish to god, oh wait, i don't believe in god, well, i just wish she was a better mother. Set a fucking example! I shouldn't be the one having to tell her that she doesn't need to buy more stuff and to not drink too much and spend time with her mother! or better yet, dead. If i could sell 98% of what this house holds, then sell the house, then buy a nice little condo, that would be sweet. I don't understand daughters that are close to their mothers.
On a happier note, there was no homework due in Spanish today! So I asked my teacher to show me where the audio is that accompanies the lab book. I also had a massage today. Well, back to cleaning. I just had to get that out. Next week I want to see Vagina Monologues at my school. That should be fun. I always wanted to go to a show. I hope my teacher will go so maybe we can sit together, but I can sit by myself.

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