I've given more thought to what I think should be taught in school. It's not trig and Greek history (unless one wants to take them of course). They don't really apply to the "real world." Of course, things may have changed a lot since I was in high school. Someone wrote that he or she thinks that self-defense should be taught in high school. That seems so obvious! I think it should be taught even in elementary school. If a kid knows what to do if s/he is abducted or someone tries to abduct them, it can save their life. Nutrition and exercise are a must. Not just the same old PE, but the importance of getting into a healthy lifestyle now that will keep you fit, and hopefully girls will learn they can be thin without going for days without eating (like I did in high school) or vomiting all they eat. Financial responsibility is also key. Learn how to save, keep your checking account balanced, and not let credit card debt get out of control. It can save them so much headache in the future. Part of being financially responsible is to be organized, which is something I've tried to achieve for years. Someone once said that successful people are organized people. I think it was MSN. I think another great help is learning how to create a resume. For anyone who has applied for a job knows it's an invaluable skill. A cooking class would be great. Teach kids the basics of cooking, like how to boil an egg. Something more than taking a box out of the freezer and putting it in the microwave. I also think that all kids should take a shop class. At one point or another, 99.9% of them will have a car. They should know how to take care of it, and be able to diagnose basic problems. I also think kids should have to take a social studies class throughout high school that includes assignments where they have to read articles from the paper. I didn't care about what was going on in the world until I was in my twenties, or even in my own town for that matter. I think it's important for people to actively learn about their world. After I started watching the news, I found it fascinating and made me a more conscientious and caring person. I'm sure it also comes with age. These are things that will actually help kids after high school! Maybe we can create more responsible, caring citizens! This will also be in my Neverland.
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